Thursday, December 24, 2009

wishing you...


Wishing you loads of happy memories with loved ones this Season. We are so thankful for you all and are sending our very BEST to you and yours as we close out 2009.

Below, Howard the beloved office pup sends his last three years of Holiday card cheer...




Tuesday, December 22, 2009

All Wrapped Up

The frame the [date]ers love presents.

There's something about a beautifully wrapped package that is just the most exciting kind of fun. When a gift just looks so pretty, so perfect, so exactly what you wanted, but you haven't even gotten to the gift part yet....must be something good, right?!

At frame the [date], we spent a lot of time in product/packaging development because we wanted frame the [date]s to be just as beautifully when wrapped as they are when unwrapped. We needed them to be elegant but also earth-friendly; to be unique while still feeling familiar. We think we succeeded and hope you all do, too.

Our packaging all comes from recycled materials and each frame the [date] is wrapped with love. We call it eco-chic, but you can call it whatever you want. :)

Our love of packaging and all things presentation-y made us fall head over heels for Lovely Package, the source for great package design. Here are a few of our faves....

Hollandaise has never looked so lovely. This packet apparently has a particular affinity for salmon :)

Guess what will be inside?? brilliant.

Origami in my tea? Yes, please.

We love chocolate regardless of its packaging, but these are the cutest chocolate bars ever!

This soap is so pretty, we would honestly never unwrap it. There could be something else completely inside and we'd never know the difference.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Employee of the Month

This business is a collaborative effort and has been since day one. It's true that we began frame the [date] as a two-some, but we've been blessed by the support of many. We're thankful for you all, but have to mention one fella in particular.

We just couldn't let another moment pass without introducing you all to a very important member of team ftd. This is Howard and he is our office pup. Howboy is a "miniature-ha!" English bulldog weighing in at a modest 75lbs. (we're working on it ;) ) He likes to to go on w-a-l-k(s), to look out windows and to sit on laps. (at 75lbs, mind you)

Howard sits/sleeps alongside us day by day as we frame your dates and grow this biz. He always shows up on time and never complains about staying late. He keeps quiet during meetings and important phone calls and protectively growls at anything weird that might happen outside. He's really indispensable.

He's been here since the beginning and he definitely keeps things in perspective. Bulldogs are known for their laid back personality and Howard lives up to the breed's standard as a champion sleeper, high decible snore-er, and generally mellow guy- during working hours at least ;). His bed is beneath our editing desk and we love to rub his belly when all the new orders come in. :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009


frame the [date] keeps us pretty busy. Our days are unpredictable, our roles ever-evolving, our limits ever-expanding and our anxiety levels ever-tested. :) Our little business has taken on a life of it's own and we're loving the adventure and awed by this crazy process. Our job is pretty cool. But as if running a start-up wasn't keeping us busy enough, we thought we would add another challenge, but it's a fun one. Our customers are the greatest and we wanted a way to update, to share, to inspire, to...whatever. frame the [date] blogs. We'll see where this take us!