We hear some pretty awesome stories that inspire the ftds we create each day, but this one just might take the cake......
When my parents were dating, people very quickly began pestering my dad about when they were going to get married. My dad, since they weren’t sure yet, told everyone who asked, in his typical character, that they were getting married on February 30th. ‘Oh, really?! Wow, that’s awesome! February thirt…wait a second!’ -ha-
Well, years passed, people quit bugging them, and my parents were engaged Christmas Eve 1984. They were married a couple of months later. After the ceremony and on the road to their honeymoon, the thought hits my dad as he exclaims to my mom: ‘You have got to be kidding me! …Do you realize what date today is?’ A little confused, my mom says, ‘…Yes, it’s March 2nd.’ Dad reponds, ‘Yea, it’s February 30th!’ They both had completely forgotten about that imaginary date, and suddenly there it was, sitting right before them as their wedding day.
Mom and Dad say it’s evidence of the LORD God’s sovereignty and sense of humour, for which they are most grateful. And that’s the date I would like framed for my parents: their wedding day, February 30th of 1985.