Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Insert ftd: Studio Loft

(Found via Door Sixteen)

Scene: An airy studio with a modern, eclectic sensibility.

Insert ftd: The date you opened shop and took a chance doing what you love.

Why Barnwood & Black?:
With its worn aged wood and sleek black lines- it's edgy, eclectic and would work perfectly in this space.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hanging 101: Getting the height right

The most common mistake when affixing new art to the wall is hanging it WAY TOO HIGH. The general rule of thumb in the art world is to hang your piece at eye level. (And we are not talking the eye level of your 6 foot 5 inch well-meaning husband. ) Centering the mid-point of the art piece* 55" to 58" from the floor should accommodate the average viewer.

*Don't fret my fellow lovers of the gallery wall - this rule can still apply. You simply center the collection of pieces as a whole within this range.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

blogs we read & you should, too: Katy Elliott

The Blog: Katy Elliott
The Site:
Why we love it.....

1) She is renovating a 260-year-old house, which in and of itself is pretty awesome.

2) We dig her English, farmhouse style.

3) She makes things like brioche.

4) We love finding new art, and she points us in the right direction with pretty pieces like these.

(by Eva Juliet, only $18 each at her etsy shop)